Game Design Villanostra

Not that kind of sympathy card

Lots of little card tweaks this morning. Added the term “aligned”, meaning “the quality of having one or more morals in common”. This let me simplify some wording on Village Life and Building cards to use the terms “most aligned” and “least aligned”. Changed the Projects deck to a Building deck, because that’s what people think the cards are, even if they still get added to the Projects row in the Project phase.

I also changed the Ally deck to a Sympathy deck. I had already tried using the word “allied” in place of the “aligned” term I now use, and so there was a potential for terminology overload. But also it seemed weird to say “You’re allied with the Sergeant, but they don’t know it.” It seems a little weird to talk to the players about how to deal out “sympathy cards”, since that implies something else, but other than that I think it’s better.

And given how much I like the flavor text on the Village Life cards, I changed the motivation and goal text on the Councilor cards to also use first-person statements of their motivations. And changed the text to italics, because that’s what we do with flavor text. I’m afraid that also means players have been trained to ignore text in italics, which will keep the cards from creating the experience I want. *sigh*