I had a coding interview earlier this year for a senior software engineer position. I did pretty well for someone who hasn’t coded on a daily basis for over ten years. That is to say, not well enough. That organization still has openings, but before I re-apply, I want to solve the second coding challenge, which I flailed at so hopelessly during the interview.
It really is a tough challenge. I’m not sure that in my prime I could have solved it in an hour. And trying to work on it in codepen.io was causing serious problems as it kept re-running the code as I tried to write it. It was time to install a real coding environment.
At the React.Indy meetup, I was told VS Code is pretty nice. And I used Visual Studio for many years, so I’m hoping a lot of those buried memories will help. It was pretty easy to install, but it wouldn’t run my JavaScript. The recommendation is to install Node.js and use that runtime for debugging. I ran into a conflict with an old install of NPM from when I was coding for The Game Crafter, but found help online to fix it. So I should be set up to continue on this coding challenge.