Started a new solo playtest, made it almost to the end of year 2. I suppose I should be concerned that even though I’m very familiar with the game, and only controlling 3 players by myself, it still took me over an hour to get to this point in play. Hrm. I wonder what else I can do to streamline?
Lots of the most recent changes seem to work well. Economy feels about right, but the buildings haven’t really kicked in yet. Village Life cards feel like a gut punch when a villager takes 4 stress, that seems like an awful lot. And over 1/3 of the cards produce that much. We’ll see how it plays out, but if nothing else it already feels inappropriate to place that many tokens in response to one random card. The results were interesting, though, because it forced the Judge to take over Sanitation to remove two stress from Belle so she could repair the School in time for scoring.