Career UX Engineer

The Best I Can

I spent an hour or so in the morning sending out social media announcements for our next Indy Tabletop Game Creators playtest session. Between ITTGC and Indiana UXPA, I’m concerned that social media is the skill I’m developing most right now. But I feel like I need to spend an hour or so each day on engaging with my various communities, both to help them and to build the networks to help me find my next job.

Most of the rest of the day was spent solving a coding challenge I was given during a recent interview for a senior developer role. Going through FreeCodeCamp has knocked some of the rust off my coding skills and I feel a bit more prepared for this challenge, but it’s still pretty hard. I saw that the same company now has an opening for a non-senior role, so I thought I’d apply for it and include my solution to the challenge. However, contacting that company about the new role resulted in them suggesting that I wait a year before applying again. Might as well have told me to go away forever. Still, I’m going to finish the dang challenge and send it to them. I guess I have some pride at stake.

I have a video interview for a UX Design role this afternoon. I feel now like I’ve been burnt so many times that I can’t get my hopes up. But I need to push that aside and prepare anyway. Just do the best I can.