I have been working intermittently on a game about ghost hunters for a few years now. At the last Protospiel Online I was starting to get tired of working on Villanostra so I thought I’d get back to Haunt Control Inc.
I haven’t really made very good progress. I’m just trying to make the smallest possible prototype for testing the climax of the game. But I sit and stare and the screen and nothing much comes out. Fortunately, I’ve been here before, and I know some things that help.
- Start writing a log of my progress each day. (Hence this post.)
- Start assembling physical components.
I kind of cheated on #2 today. I need a status tracker for the new prototype, and I started sketching it on an index card. But frankly that’s pretty tedious, trying to get three tracks on the card that are the right size to move a token along. In addition, I’ve been learning to use Figma at work, so I used it to create the tracker above. I don’t know that it was much less tedious, but it did help me practice using that tool, and it will be much easier to change the tracker when I want to do so.
Another odd thing about this project is that I’m starting to develop an odd sense of pronoia about it. There have been a few small coincidences: things that keep me thinking about the ghost hunting theme, for example.
- Stumbling across Lonesome Ghosts, a Disney short I used to watch. (And finally being able to watch the whole thing!)
- The theme to Ghostbusters coming up in my Pandora feed.
It’s nice to think that something in the universe outside my own head wants me to work on this. I see no reason not to indulge it!