Nothing visible to show for work this morning. But I did ponder the turn sequence a bit more, as well as more analysis of what physical components are required to play out the climax of the game. This doesn’t actually include the tracker I designed yesterday, because in the simplest prototype I can imagine, I should just assume that all the tracks are at their ends.
The main thing I accomplished this morning is figuring out where to describe the challenges that allow the players to win the game:
- The challenge to seal the source is on whatever sealing item the agents may attempt to use.
- The challenge to incinerate the source is on the source item.
- The challenge to appease the ghost is on the apparition’s page in the ghost booklet.
The main thing that I need but don’t yet have is a deck of cards for the ghost to play on its turn. This will look suspiciously like a villain deck from Sentinels of the Multiverse. So that’s really what I need to focus on next.