I have a vision document. I’ve been cultivating it for several years. It’s based on several things I’ve read, but mostly derived from a book called Just Enough: Tools for Creating Success in Your Work and Life. Based on their research, the authors recommend asking yourself the following question: “At my life’s end, how will I know that I have lived a good life?”
In pondering the answer to that question (and the title question of this post in its most broad, general sense), I identified three priorities for my life:
- Enjoy life with my family and friends.
- Create good interactive experiences.
- Share what I learn.
I think I’ve done pretty well with priority #1. Three years ago I quit my job to focus on priority #2: I went to grad school to get a masters degree in human-computer interaction. But I’ve done virtually nothing with priority #3.
So here is a blog. To start with, it’s a space for me to share about the following things, in the spirit of Austin Kleon’s Show Your Work:
- The interactive experiences I’m currently creating.
- Things I’m learning in the process.
But you are the reader: this space is supposed to be for your benefit. Ask questions. Share your own insights. Start conversations. Let’s learn from each other.