Game Design Villanostra

Villager Relationships

In considering life events for villagers, I’m already modeling their career, health, economics, and education. What’s really important in real life that I’m not currently modeling is relationships. I considered using a relationship map like some RPGs use, but it think that’s pretty unwieldy for the concept’s relative importance in this game.

I already have a chart for each villager, showing their coins and their stress. I could add another column for their relationships: spouses, dependents, other family, friends? I’ve even considered that if villagers marry that I move both of them to the same line on the chart and pool their values. Having more dependents means they’d have to pay for more food. Relationships also tie closely to the moral value of Loyalty, and could be at odds with Liberty, so that could introduce some new mechanisms.

I’ve also considered that the game should have an objective measure of the village’s well-being at the end of the game, regardless of the councilors’ moral value scores. Relationships could be an important part of that.

Definitely something to think upon more, and experiment with.