Career UX Engineer

Busy Day

I’ve had a timed coding evaluation for a job opening waiting for almost a week, and I was determined to do it yesterday. But then our AC went out and someone was here working on it all morning. I spent part of the morning on FreeCodeCamp learning more about JavaScript, but by 10am realized I needed to make more progress on my Remote Playtesting of Tabletop Games presentation for tonight. So I worked on that until about 1pm, when the AC guy finished up. I took a break for lunch and went through the coding evaluation. It was pretty easy, technically, compared to the stuff I’ve been learning in FreeCodeCamp. But it can also be tricky to make sure you’re following the instructions correctly, even if you write code that does what you think it should. So, being careful to read and re-read the requirements, it still took me almost all of the 90 minutes available.

After that I had about a 20 minute break before a screening phone call for a UX Design position. (And during that break people showed up to clean our rain gutters!) I spent some time on their website and going over my notes on the position before the call. It seemed to go well, and unless there are other candidates who are far more qualified, I expect to have a second interview.

Karen came home while I was wrapping up that call, and we barely had time for dinner before I attended my first event with React.Indy. They were super friendly and I got a lot of great info about resources for getting into JavaScript development.

(After that we planned meals for next week, I made a grocery list, and ordered groceries online for me and also for my sister. Collapsed in bed around 11pm. Whew.)